Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I would make these three changes to the cafeteria. To get the ball rolling, I would have the walls look as exciting as a lion. The cool thing is that I would put posters on the walls of famous people (like Albert Einstein) to inspire us. since the sky is so eye-popping, I would paint the walls baby blue (with cloud designs). Furthermore, I would make more time to eat. We would be able to do what we want. We would have time to eat and then chat; it would be a wonderful time to relax and eat at the same time. Lastly, we would be able to change the food. The cafeteria would have more magnificent choices to choose from like nachos and mixed greens. Also, if they give us more healthy food you would look splendid .As you can see, I would make 3 changes to the cafeteria.