I’ll never forget the time when I held a baby pup. I couldn’t believe it when I found out the good news. My mom said, “The dog is pregnant and you’re going to have a pup sister.” My dog was in the bed room in labor having the baby pup.
Just before I went up stairs the bed room door was shut. I waited for a couple of minutes waiting for my mom to come out. My mom finally came out of the room and she said, “Destiny come in the room and come have a look.” I walked in the door and saw the most gorgeous thing ever.
Later on, while I was in the room I got to hold a baby girl pup. She was as cute as a teddy bear and adorable with those blue eyes. We named her Bella; her fur was white as snow and brown also very puffy and fuzzy.
As I think about it now, I learned that you can always be happy good things happen. I use this today by when I see a pup I think about Bella.