I’ll never for get the time we were most terrified. It all stared when we were walking down the sewer and we were scared. We saw two green hideous monsters, and they were hideous as a zombie. So we brought them home. The monsters were hungry so we fed them an ice cream cone. They got all crazy and they broke Mom and Dad’s diamond and we were really terrified.
Shorty after, we named them Bulgy and Chubby. After we named them, they took a nap. We put a lock on the colorful door. An hour later bugly and chubly broke the metal lock. I said, “Bad Bugly and Chubly.” We were mad as a monkey when you take a banana from it.
All of a sudden, they got mad at us and they ran everywhere around the home. They found some machsticks and lit the home on fire. We got the fire out and we looked out the window and our parents were home. So we painted the monsters to blend in with the blueish, greenish wall.
In hindsight, are parents found out and we got grounded. Also are mom and dad got mad because Bugly and Chubly broke their diamond. We learned that never bring home a green ugly monster. We think we taught a very good leson and it’s never never never bring a monster home.