Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I Should Work in a Candy Shop by Alyssa Martin

Dear Mr.Candy,

I’m perfect to work at a candy shop.To begin, I’m a computer when I work. I am really good at math, people would have their totals quicker than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.Also, I’m a really good at reading, I can speak different languages.Additionally, my behavior is as good as Anna-Lisa’s.I never yell at little kids, or adults as a matter of fact.Plus, I am very very soft hearted.Finally, I have a wonderful personality. I’m super duper funny.Of course I’m creative (from my mom of course), too! Clearly, I would be perfect to work at a candy shop because I am smart, have good behavior, and have a wonderful personality.

